Elder Santos

Elder Santos

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 8, 2013


I promise, I had already decided to put that there.

But in any case, I hope you all had a great 4th of July! Me, I didn't realize what day it was until the 5th, when a returned-from-New-York missionary asked us what we had done to celebrate. So...yeah I wasn't too american this year. But hey, hopefully you all celebrated for me!

I've got a story to tell you all this week. So remember Dominique, the investigator I think I told you about last week? Well, earlier this week, she called us to let us know that she had talked to a friend about the church, and that he had agreed to come this sunday. Miracle number one, because we've been doing our very best to get our members to do that, without much luck. Then, the next day, she calls us again, this time to tell us that she wants to get baptized. !!! Miracle number two requires no explanation. Miracle number three I wasn't actually there for-I was on an exchange friday in Point-à-Pitre. But, while I was with Elder Pratt, the other two elders were going around with Dominique teaching two of her friends that she wanted to present to us. That evening, we taught an english class at the church, to which Dominique and her first friend, Davey, attended. Elder Pratt was sort of joking around with him, and asked him "Hey, when do you want to get baptized? Same day as Dominique?"
He said yes.
Sunday, after church, Boris (the husband) told us that he feels already that he should be baptized, but he knows that he still has some more preparation to do (he works a lot, so we haven't been able to see him as much, and en plus, he smokes, but he really wants to stop).
So after a good handful of straight-up miracles this week, we've got three people scheduled to get baptized the 27th of July. We'll see if all three keep that date, but in any case, God has been giving us some incredible blessings.
Guys! This gospel is so easy to share! I mean, the best part is that it's true. Do we understand that? It's true, so the hardest part of missionary work is already done! All we have to do is to find people who are looking for the truth, and then help them to know where to find it, like we have been blessed to do. We have know clue who's ready. We have no idea who's going to say yes. But that doesn't matter, because God does. Go ahead and read Neal L. Anderson's talk from this last conference again (oh, you have computers so I guess you could technically watch it too), and pay close attention to the part where he promises us that the names will come to our mind, and that our mouth will be filled. Then, go ahead and do it! Having living prophets does nothing for us if we're not listening to them.

Anyway, that's the exciting news for my week. Also, I'm getting transfer calls this Friday, so I'll have some more news for you next week. Thank you all so much for your support-keep praying for me!

Oh, I should say this too. So my camera is broken. I don't know if it got wet or if I broke it myself somehow or what, but one day I went to turn it on, and all that I see on the display screen is a big black mark in the middle in the shape of an eye, and white static-y boxes on the outside. I think the vital organs are still intact though, because I'm pretty sure it takes pictures. At least, if I point it at something and push the button, it makes the sound and the flash. But then, I have no way of confirming if it works.
Oh my days, is this what film cameras were like? This must have been awful!
But yeah. That's that. Not sure what my plan of attack is for that(I would love to just be able to find and replace the broken parts), but I'm open to suggestions.


I love you!
-Elder Santos

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